Before Christmas I hosted a craft party. The idea came after an evening of coffee and brainstorming with my friend Sara. We decided that we needed to find a way to make a heartfelt and homemade Christmas. It was my first attempt at hosting such an event. I have been to plenty of cookie swaps. But I was looking for something different. I think it turned out quite fun. The idea was that everyone bring a craft idea and the supplies to make it-- we could each take home a sample or help a friend get a head start on her Christmas giving.
Sara, the supermom supreme, brought decoupage frames and mirrors. They were so cute! You can see my son eying her supplies, which she kindly shared. You can also see my mom, Sparkle Plenty, also admiring her handiwork. These were really cute and I almost copied this idea for our class at school. Unfortunately, Michael's was COMPLETELY sold out of frames the day I went there. Sara's followers must have gotten there first.
My friend Deborah, brought these adorable advent wreaths. Being the hyper-organized accountant that she is, she made kits. Each kit was beautifully packaged and wrapped in Advent colors- ready to go. As you can see in the foreground, her own wreath is well used. It was an adorable idea that could be adopted for Brownies or Cub Scouts or your CCD class. The greenery is made up of traced hands. Something to think of next Thanksgiving when you have all your extended family sitting around the table.
Doesn't this table look like fun? I am sure you are thinking, please tell me how spray adhesive and Epsom salts can be a craft? HA! Silly person. Sarah (in the adorable scarf) brought a new twist to bath salts. She packed them in Christmas tins with a candle, candy canes and scented them with peppermint Dr. Bronner's. The spray adhesive was for Erin's decoupage coasters. These were a big hit-- even Daniel made at least 4.
My friend Rachel, standing with the coffee, bravely faced her fear of anything crafty and came to be part of the fun.
What pray-tell is that hot chick doing? Is that a super long straw? NO... that's my sister Colleen making adorable headbands. It was my sister Bridget's idea and a great way to use up that left over fabric stash. See the one Colleen is wearing? It is basically braided fabric sewn to an elastic strip. Another good Brownie or American Heritage Girl craft.

Brianne brought the makings for homemade soap that was divine! And so easy to make, just use a few empty tin cans and a crockpot as a double boiler and voila! SOAP.
Oh, and if you took the hyper-link to Sara, you might have noticed her asking me for a tutorial on snowflakes. I admit, that's not my strong point. But I will share a picture of my "Elf-ed" living room.
Come on! A tutorial is not that hard! Just get Claire to take pictures while you make a snowflake. I've never seen such beauties.
Oh, and it was a great party. I gave away all my crafts. It was a big help.
Yeah! She is writing again. And yes for least "Shmartha" one in the family and the group it was a great party. Love you Kath
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