OK, so our friend
Robert has fully mastered his Jedi powers when it comes to getting good customer service. I seem to lack that ability. Last week I learned that our analog cable plan costs the same as digital cable with a box. So I figured, why not get the box? If I
to get a pay per view movie I can, and that might save some gas money, right? Well, after 4 calls to CS to set up the box, it was set up -- except for a few little quirks. My last CS rep said that I had an old box and they could send a new one to me, or I could go pick one up.
In the effort of creating a paper trail to back up my non-existent Jedi Power, I called again today to complain about the quirky box. The conversation goes as follows:
"Welcome to Comcast. How can I help you?"
"I have a new box and it is very quirky. Could you please reset it from your end?"
"How long have you had it?"
"Only a few days, but it is..."
"Oh I see, You have an outage in your area, why don't you call back when it is working."
"Sir, I don't have an outage in my area, I am looking at my cable right now on 2 tv's one through your box and one analog."
"Well, my system says there is an outage, I am sure that is what is wrong with your box. Please call back."
"Sir, I am looking at cable tv right now."
"Let me check for you.... Hmmm, you do have cable." [DUH!]
"Can you please reset my box, it is very quirky and seems to have a mind of it's own. Either that or I am going to return this one and get a different box."
"You don't want to do that right now, wait a few days, it will get better." [REALLY??]
"Excuse me?"
"Wait a few days, it will get better. That box you have, does it have a clock on the front?"
"You don't want the new box, it doesn't have a clock in the front."
"And, why would I want that?" [I really wanted to know-- some big cable company secret maybe??"
"Because it is easy to see the time. Just wait a few days and it will get better."
OK, correct me if I am wrong, but does electronic equipment "get better" when it is not working properly? When the company gave me an old box to begin with? I would really like to cry sexism here because I KNOW if my friend Robert or my husband had called they would not have been told to keep the old crappy thing because it is easy to tell the time --
that it would get better in a few days! Am I being just a bit too sensitive? Anybody else come across a situation like this?