
2009 --- It's in the past....

January brought devastating news about my sister-in-law Biffy.  Rhett and I made a trip down to visit and hold her hand and pray.  Claire went back to school and life went on -- at least for us here in Atlanta.  It would also bring my baby's 10th birthday.  Who strangely asked for a fondue party?

We, of course obliged.  Because we LOVE fondue. 

So do Mumma and Poppy!
February  brought about some stir-crazy kids and the death of my lap top. I also chaperoned our Sean's orchestra trip to Savannah for the GMEA convention.  Isn't he handsome here in his tux?
February would also bring a newly confirmed Catholic!! Sean's sponsor, Uncle Rob, was in Iraq.  Here he is with the rest of the family

March  would begin my   fascination addiction to Facebook.  You can see a direct correlation between this addiction and the number of blog posts from here on out.  While I love FB, I would become disenchanted by it as we learned of the death of my mother's best friend Cate, via FB
Throw in the obligatory Irish celebration, the annual church party...

and a LOT of rowing,  and chaperoning a GREAT group of kids from church on retreat.

April would continue with more rowing...and a quick trip up to Charleston the visit the girlie and play tourists.

May saw the end of the rowing season...the end of the school year -- my first employed school year!!  Sean turned 16!  God received 2 souls into heaven, our friend Judith our friend and neighbor Erin, who was only 17.  We would celebrate Mother's Day by giving mom a gift that she would, OF COURSE, return...

June would bring the whole clan together to celebrate the baptism of the newest member of the family and finally another girl! Welcome to the world Keira Rose!

The rest of June would be spent poolside enjoying our cousins before the Davidson's next move to Virginia.

July would bring sadness.  My dear sister-in-law Biffy would lose her battle with cancer a short seven months after her diagnosis.  I was blessed to be with her at the end and pray everyday that she is at peace with our Lord and is looking out for me
  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; 2 Timothy 4:7

August brought the back to school frenzy and one-day, round-trip jaunt to Charleston taking the girlie back.  Not something you want to do frequently. Once again I will have 4 kids in 4 different schools, and I am the mother of a 19 year old!  YIKES.

September would bring more rowing.... more carpooling....and lots and lots of rain!!  Our rowing club boat house would flood 3 times.  Each time would involve shoveling the remnants of sewage overflow -- YUCK
October brought the sought after Head of the Charles Regatta

November was full of Thanksgiving goodness.  The girlie came home.  Family fun was had by all

December brought Christmas fun and sad memories of Biffy's struggle.  Ryan would finally become a teenager!  We would also have another basement flood and a broken hand on Daniel.  We spent the holiday snuggling in front of lots of fires in the fireplace watching movie after movie.


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