Eighteen years ago I became a mother.
We became parents.

A beautiful 9 lb 4 oz beauty arrived and turned our world upside down.
This should be the only naked picture of her ever to be seen over the world wide web. She'll kill me I know, but since she never reads my blog, I think I am OK.
Eighteen years ago I walked around the hospital corridors doing my pelvic thrusts in the hallway during contractions to the sounds of my sisters laughing at how I looked like a
really friendly cow.
Two things that got me through my DRUG FREE labor were the promise of a piece of oreo cheesecake my sister snagged from work and my husband's jokes--not funny at the time, but quite hilarious now. The best one? After I decided to quit just before pushing, his encouragement was to tell me how silly I would look at the grocery store with a head between my legs. I didn't laugh, but the doctor and nurses did.
Oh wait, this post isn't about me.... really....
Did I say she turned my world upside down? Did you read that as a negative? Our world flipped in the best way possible.

I learned to see the world through a child's eyes. Where imaginary friends Julie and Jordan could earn a seat at the table, and in the car, and on the bus. Where a white bear named Johnny, bald from hugs, would earn a place of honor in the family and would help ease the pain of a younger brother... and another ..... and another.
I would learn from her what it means to be kind, and to put others first. I would learn what it means to see things as black or white -- I have always been a fence sitter, a waffler. I would learn that my goal to raise a girl with mind of her own and strong sense of self would sometimes come back to bite me in the ass. I may have appeared angry at the time, but inside I was secretly proud.

I would learn from her the importance of books in a child's life. I would listen as she and her friends truly mourned the end of the Harry Potter series as the end of their childhood. To them, that came last summer, to me it comes next Friday.
Eighteen years ago I held my sweet daughter for the first time and cried tears of joy. Tonight, I will sneak in her room and look at her peacefuly sleeping, Johnny Bear still keeping watch, and cry tears of joy again.
What an amazing WOMAN she has become. Look out world, here she comes.